What are you looking for in a space?
Whatever your preferences are, privacy, affordability, community, or location, Housing & Residence Life offers wide range of options to meet your needs. This page defines room types to find what works best for you.
Traditional Rooms
(community bathroom)
Your best option if affordability and community are your top priorities. Traditional halls and rooms house one or two people per bedroom, have community bathrooms that include multiple toilets, showers and sinks designated for use by either males or females, and shared hallways.
In the residence hall community, four of the nine halls offer traditional rooms. KU residence halls have about 300-500 students each. Many scholarship halls also have traditional rooms with about 50 students in each.

Semiprivate Rooms
(in-unit bathrooms)
A great option to build community with roommates and great locations. Semiprivate rooms are found in both residence and scholarship halls and house between one and four students in 1- or 2-person bedrooms, plus in-unit bathrooms that you share with your roommate(s).

(in-unit bathroom, living room)
Suites are located in both residence halls and scholarship halls. They are defined as 1- or 2-person bedrooms, plus an in-unit bathroom that you'll share with suitemates, plus a living room.
Stouffer Place offers a group of 4-person apartments for first-year students that are similar to a suite experience.

(in-unit bathroom, living room, full kitchen)
Apartments offer the greatest degree of privacy, along with excellent convenience and location. They are a particularly attractive option for transfer and non-traditional students.
Apartments include 1- or 2-person bedrooms, living room, full kitchen, and bath. You can have a private bedroom and private bathroom in Stouffer Place Apartments. In the 2-person apartments of Jayhawker Towers and McCarthy, you can have a private bedroom and share a bath with one other person.