Welcome to Gertrude Sellards Pearson Hall

About GSP
Located in KU's North District - along the ridge where KU was founded in 1866 - GSP Hall is a short, level walk away from the Kansas Union, Memorial Stadium, and downtown Lawrence. This coed hall contains North College Cafe, named for North College, the first KU building at that site. GSP Hall opened in 1955 and was renovated in 2012.
Residence hall gallery displays, which are featured throughout lobbies in Gertrude Sellards Pearson Hall, serve as an educational resource to engage students outside the classroom.
The mural in the main lobby features the diverse physiographic regions of Kansas. In addition, each floor lobby highlights a theme from the mural.
Kansas geologic and natural history is fascinating in its scope and diversity, and students learn while passing by, socializing, studying, dining, attending meetings, participating in programs, and simply living in our facilities.
Kansas’ rich landscapes are shaped by ancient oceans and reshaped by human pursuits such as farming and mining. Geologists divide Kansas into 11 regions based on common features and each tells a unique story. Each floor lounge in GSP Residence Hall highlights one region. Thanks to KU’s Kansas Geological Survey and Kansas Biological Survey for contribution to exploring and explaining these regions to our residents. These "beyond the classroom" settings stimulate learning in different life spaces.