Event and Meeting Space Reservations
KU students may reserve our event spaces.
What space is available
Housing & Residence Life buildings offer spaces that range in size from small study rooms, conference rooms, full classrooms, and large theaters. Each building also has open lobbies and lounges. See the descriptions of the available spaces below.
Eligibility, extras
Requests for space must be made 10 calendar days in advance of the event. Residents may reserve spaces in any Housing & Residence Life building, regardless of which building they live in. You must provide any additional technology, chairs or tables (beyond what is already in the room) that you may need. Reservations for Mrs. E's Dining Center are made through KU Dining Services.
To reserve meeting space
Email Zach Allen at housing@ku.edu and include this information:
- Name
- KU email
- KU Affiliation (resident, student or student organization)
- Date needed (request should be made 10 calendar days prior to this date)
- Time of the event, from beginning to end.
- Topic of the event, or event name
- Name of space you are requesting (find the name just beneath the photo in the list below).
- If you're asking for more than one space, you'll need to send a separate email for each space.
Email requests are monitored and answered only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
When you arrive at the location
Maintain your email confirmation and show it to the front desk staff when you check in at your requested building. This will confirm for the desk employee that you've reserved the space so they can let you in.
Lewis Event Spaces

Stouffer Place Event Spaces

Outdoor Event Spaces
1. The Daisy Hill quad between Self, Oswald, Hashinger, and Lewis halls.
2. The lawn at GSP and Corbin halls.
3. The space in front of Downs Hall and South Commons Dining.

Summer Camps & Conferences Event and Meeting Space
2021 Available Space, Capacity and Rates for Summer Camps & Conferences
Updated information for summer 2022 is coming soon.
To inquire about space reservations for summer camps and conferences email Katie Keenan.
Summer camps and conferences may reserve the spaces featured on this page. You may reserve meeting space in any open building, regardless of where guests are staying. Priority goes to groups with a completed contract, after which reservations are first-come, first-serve.
All meeting spaces are internet equipped, but not all will have the full range of audio-visual equipment. The usage of some rooms includes a daily price charge, while other rooms are free to use. See the following table for details.
Housing & Residence Life can also connect you with on-campus partners to arrange other meeting space, which will be reserved and billed by those units.
Building | Space | Capacity | Audio-Visual | Price/Day |
Daisy Hill Commons | Classroom 208 | 49 | Yes | $50 |
Daisy Hill Commons | Conference Room 108 | 16 | Yes | $25 |
Daisy Hill Commons | Conference Room 207 | 8-10 | Yes | $25 |
Daisy Hill Commons | Study Area | Yes | $0 | |
Daisy Hill Commons | Study Rooms | Yes | $0 | |
Ellsworth | Conference Room 153 | 8-10 | No | $0 |
Ellsworth | Conference Room 241 | 16 | Yes | $25 |
Ellsworth | Conference Room 243 | 8-10 | No | $0 |
Ellsworth | Living Room | 100+ | Yes | $50 |
Hashinger | Conference Room 330 | 10-12 | Yes | $25 |
Hashinger | Conference Room 332 | 12-15 | No | $0 |
Hashinger | Academic Resource Center | No | $0 | |
Hashinger | Dance Studio | No | $0 | |
Hashinger | Practice Room | No | $0 | |
Hashinger | Theater | 100+ | Yes | $50 |
Downs | Conference Room 1 | 20 | Yes | $25 |
Downs | Meeting Room | 6 | Yes | $0 |
GSP | Classrooom 161 | 20-25 | Yes | $50 |
GSP | Hearth Room | 10 | No | $0 |
Lewis | Conference Room 218 | No | $0 | |
Lewis | Conference Room 220 | No | $0 | |
Stouffer North | Conference Room 112 | 10 | Yes | $0 |