Welcome to Lewis Hall

exterior of Lewis Hall on a sunny day

About Lewis

Located on Daisy Hill with five other residence halls, Lewis Hall offers two-person rooms with bath, as well as two- and four-person suites. This coed hall is single gender by suite and houses a mix of 280 new and returning residents. Mrs. E's Dining Center is in Lewis Hall. Lewis opened in 1960 and was renovated in 1999.




  • Lewis Hall

  • 1530 Engel Road

  • Lawrence, Kansas 66045


Living Room Furnishings

Lewis Hall suites are provided with living room furnishings. This applies to both the Lewis 4-person suite, and the Lewis 2-person suite.

The couch provided in the Lewis Hall 2-person suite.

Furnishings provided in a Lewis Hall 4-person suite.
