Gender Inclusive Assignments

smiling students holding a transgender pride flag

What are Gender Inclusive Assignments?

A gender inclusive assignment (GIA) is defined as a housing option in which two or more students share a multiple-occupancy space, in mutual agreement, regardless of the students’ sex, gender identity, and/or gender expression.

This assignment is not within the Rainbow Community.

Rates for Gender Inclusive Assignments are the same as other student rates.

Questions? Looking for something else?

Our commitment is to helping students find the living environment that best meets their needs while supporting and affirming their gender identity. Email Katie Ridgway at to learn what other options might be available to you.

SGD Partnership

  • KU Student Housing maintains a strong partnership with the Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity (SGD) in promoting and supporting our Rainbow Community and GIA spaces.

  • Their resources include a calendar of events, information on their trans closet, a list of all gender restrooms across campus, and more.


Be you