Summer Housing
Summer housing is available for any KU student — even if you're not enrolled in summer classes — who remains in Lawrence for the summer semester.
Summer Housing Duration
Summer housing extends from May 11 through July 27, 2024.
If you have a housing contract for the 2024–25 year, you may remain on campus between July 27 and the start of school for $350. Residents who do NOT have a housing contract for academic year 2024–25 must vacate no later than July 27.
Rank Your Choices
Summer housing will be available in the following halls for summer 2024: HERE*, Hawker*, Jayhawker Towers*, McCarthy Hall*, Stouffer Place*, Sunflower* and Oswald Hall. You will rank your choices when you sign the summer housing contract in the myKU portal.
Note: 4-person suites in Oswald Hall will not be available for summer housing.
*To live in HERE, Hawker, Jayhawker Towers, McCarthy Hall, Stouffer Place, or Sunflower for the summer, you must either currently live there or be assigned to that building for fall 2024.
Prorated Fees
If a student arrives at KU after the term has started, charges will be based on your move-in date. If a student chooses to successfully complete the check-out process and return their key by July 8, charges will be pro-rated. Students who check-out after July 8 will be charged for the full term.
At KU, eBills are created on or about the 21st of each month and are due on the 15th of the following month. For more information, visit KU Student Accounts & Receivables, or contact KU Housing & Residence Life at 785-864-4560.
All summer residents, may choose KU Dining's $440 plan. The Summer $440 Dining Plan is not required for residents of Oswald Hall.
Visit KU Dining for information about KU Dining Services, including how to add cash to individual accounts. Your KUID Card will admit you to available dining centers.
Summer 2024 Rates
The rate listed in the table below is the total charge for May 11 through July 27, 2024.
If you have a housing contract for the 2024–25 year, you may remain on campus between July 27 and the start of school for $350.
To live in Hawker, Here, Jayhawker Towers, McCarthy Hall, Stouffer Place, or Sunflower for the summer, you must either currently live there or be assigned to that building for fall 2024.
Hall Name (Room Type) | Occupants | Rate | Room Code* |
Hawker | 3 | $3,814.58 | HAW 3p Apt |
Hawker | 4 | $3,814.58 | HAW 4p Apt |
HERE | 2 | $4,160.31 | HER 2p Apt |
HERE | 3 | $3,814.58 | HER 3p Apt |
HERE | 4 | $3,814.58 | HER 4p Apt |
Jayhawker Towers A&D — renovated | 2 | $3,188.57 | JT 2p Apt renovated |
Jayhawker Towers A&D — renovated | 4 | $1,848.77 | JT 4p Apt renovated |
McCarthy Hall | 2 | $4,160.31 | MSM 2p Apt private bedroom |
McCarthy Hall | 4 | $3,814.58 | MSM 4p Apt private bedroom |
Stouffer Place | 2 | $4,160.31 | STO 2p Apt private bed & bath |
Stouffer Place | 4 | $3,814.58 | STO 4p Apt private bed & bath |
Sunflower | 4 | $1,848.77 | SUN 4p Apt |
Oswald Hall (2 person room with bath) | 2 | $2,116.73 | OSW 2p rm w bath |
Oswald Hall (2 person room with bath, private bedroom) | 2 | $2,887.50 | OSW 2p w bath private bedroom |
*You will preference your room types in the myKU portal based on the room code.
Summer Contract Terms
Find the full summer 2024 contract terms, including cancellation dates and fees, in the accordion below.
Summer 2024 KU Housing & Residence Life Contract Terms
Housing & Residence Life at the University of Kansas
1. Term
- The term of this contract is for the entire 2024 Summer Session or for the remainder of the 2024 Summer Session if signed after the start of the summer session.
2. Eligibility
- You must be a regularly enrolled full-time student at the University for 2024 fall semester or completed an earned credits for the spring semester, and have no active enrollment holds to enter into this contract for the residential space in KU Housing and Residence Life facilities, or other determined eligible by the Executive Director of KU Housing and Residence Life for a good cause.
- The University of Kansas requires students living on campus to receive the meningitis vaccine.
- Individuals who have a criminal record involving a felony offense are not eligible for University housing. If the University becomes aware that you have a record of criminal conviction(s) or other actions indicating behavior that could pose a risk to person or property and/or could be injurious or disruptive to the residential housing community or the living/learning environment, the University may reject your application for housing, or may terminate or suspend this contract.
3. Occupancy
- Occupancy dates for this contract are listed on KU Housing & Residence Life's website and are subject to change based on the University’s official academic calendar and assigned space. Consult the referenced website for your specific occupancy dates.
- You must check-in by following check-in instructions provided to you for initial occupancy. Occupancy occurs when KU Housing & Residence Life issues a key to you for the assigned residential space. Actual physical occupancy of the residential space by you and/or placement of your possessions within the residential space is not necessary to constitute occupancy. It is your responsibility to fulfill occupancy expectations by noon on the first day of classes.
- You may not receive your selected residential space assignment if you do not check-in by noon on the first day of classes and may be reassigned to a different space.
- Contact KU Housing & Residence Life in advance to arrange for late check-in. Failure to establish occupancy without advance notification and corresponding approval from KU Housing & Residence Life to delay the occupancy constitutes a breach of this contract. Non-occupancy of assigned residential space does not terminate this contract, and the appropriate charges under this contract will continue.
- You must follow check-out procedures when permanently vacating your assigned residential space. Unless you negotiate a modified check-out date, you must vacate within 24 hours following your last final examination each semester. Refer to the Failure to Vacate Policy below.
4. Residential Space Assignments
- Your residential space and roommates will be assigned by KU Housing & Residence Life for the 2024 Summer Session
- The University determines all reassignments or other occupancy changes. On rare occasions, you may be required to move to a different residential space to accommodate an individual with unique physical requirements, to address maintenance concerns, or resolve unforeseen situations.
- The University reserves all unoccupied space inside the housing unit for its use and future assignment. If you have contracted for partial residential space in a shared housing unit (e.g., shared bedroom, suite, apartment), the University may assign you a roommate at any time. The University can reassign you to a different residential space. Failure to move after reassignment or refusal of a roommate assignment by an established date will result in charges at the higher rate to you and referral to the student conduct process per the KU Housing & Residence Life Handbook.
- You may request to transfer between available residential spaces and/or buildings as space permits and if pre-approved by KU Housing & Residence Life. Generally, the same policies and regulations apply in all residential spaces. When modified payment schedules, different amounts due, or new regulations apply, you agree to these changes as a condition of the transfer. The University may assess an administrative fee for the transfer request.
- If you require a reasonable accommodation in your assigned residential space due to a medical condition or disability, you must establish a file with University Academic Support Centers, 22 Strong Hall, 1450 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045. University Academic Support Centers will make a recommendation to KU Housing & Residence Life regarding your residential space needs.
- KU Housing & Residence Life hires and trains staff to participate with you and other residents in conflict resolution and to document incidents, initiating disciplinary action as appropriate.
5. Condition of Residential Space; Purposes for Use; Inspections
- The University of Kansas is a residential academic community. As a resident in this community, you must comply with the policies and regulations in place to protect and promote educational activity, maintain order, and manage behavior affecting the freedom and privacy of others.
- You may use assigned space for personal residence only. Activity involving regular use of KU Housing & Residence Life facilities for personal financial gain is prohibited.
- You may not assign or transfer this contract or sublet or otherwise assign the residential space to another person.
- You give consent for your photograph or likeness and/or the residential space for use in publicity programs and other promotions created for The University of Kansas.
- The University retains the right to enter living areas, locked or unlocked, including your assigned residential space, under conditions described in the KU Housing & Residence Life Handbook and at any time it is deemed necessary for immediate resolution of policy violations, addressing a disruption, maintenance problems, illness, hazards and other similar emergencies or potential crises. Your right to privacy will be respected while living in KU Housing & Residence Life facilities.
- Maintenance requests initiated by you and/or your roommate(s) constitute permission to enter the space where maintenance or repair is to be completed.
6. Maintenance and Care of Facilities
- The University agrees to make all necessary repairs and perform maintenance in the facility and the resident’s space by authorized personnel. Repairs will be made to the room and University furnishings upon request or in accordance with routine schedules. Temporary inconvenience caused by malfunction of mechanical, electrical systems, plumbing, or any other component of the space does not warrant a refund.
- You agree to be directly and financially responsible for keeping the assigned space and its furnishings clean and free from damage, to cooperate with roommates in the common protection of property and in maintenance of the living space, and to advise the University of any deteriorated conditions of the room or its furnishings so timely repairs can be made.
- You agree to use public areas, residential corridors and rooms, and equipment and furnishings in a careful and proper manner, to contribute to the orderliness and cleanliness of all areas, to cooperate in the common protection of property, and to advise the University of any deteriorated or hazardous conditions so timely repairs can be made. Charges may be assessed for common area damages or special housekeeping or maintenance services necessary due to misuse or abuse of facilities or equipment for which the resident is determined to be responsible, or to pay an equal portion of charges assessed to all residents of a corridor, room/suite/apartment, or facility when those responsible cannot be identified by the building staff or the responsible individuals fail to assume the charges.
7. Rules and Regulations
- All residents, visitors, and guests must abide by the laws of the state of Kansas and the conduct rules of the University. The resident is responsible for complying with the rules, policies, and regulations contained in this contract, the KU Housing & Residence Life Handbook, and other official publications, including: 1) The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities for the University of Kansas, 2) The University of Kansas Parking Regulations, and 3) The University of Kansas Policy Library. The terms of the policies and regulations may change from time to time. It is the resident’s responsibility to review regularly the Handbook to ensure awareness of and adherence to the current terms.
- Acts contrary to federal, state, or local laws, and University regulations such as, but not limited to, sex offenses, gambling, possession and/or use of illegal drugs and/or controlled substances, theft, and disruption constitute violations of the KU Housing & Residence Life Handbook.
- Violation by you of federal, state, or local laws, or the policies or regulations referenced above, or failure to independently manage daily life functions to the extent that custodial care might be required, may result in disciplinary sanction, reassignment to another residential space and/or building, revocation of future guest privileges, and/or other consequences including liability for full contract costs when this contract is cancelled by KU Housing & Residence Life.
- If the University cancels this contract for violation of a policy or regulation, you may not reapply for KU Housing & Residence Life for a minimum period of one calendar year from the end of the contract period in which the cancellation was effective.
- This contract may be immediately suspended and you may be required to vacate the premises when circumstances indicate that your continued presence in the assigned residential space may constitute danger, or threat of danger, to property, yourself, or others in the housing system.
- If you are arrested for alleged criminal acts or have criminal charges pending against you, this contract may be suspended by the University. You will receive written notice from the University stating reasons for an interim contract suspension and the time and place for a hearing to be held within five class days at which time you will have an opportunity to show why your continued presence in the housing unit does not constitute a danger, or threat of danger, to others, yourself, or property.
- In lieu of an interim contract suspension, you may be assigned to another residential space, be restricted from entering specified housing areas or units, and/or be restricted in other privileges normally allowed to you in KU Housing & Residence Life facilities.
8. Rates and Charges
- Rates may vary by residential space, as rates are specific to the room type, community, amenities, and building. The Board of Regents adjusts rates annually. Current rates may be found on the KU Housing & Residence Life website.
- You agree to accept room and food plan charges and pay the applicable fees in accordance with the scheduled due dates as posted by Student Accounts & Receivables. Fees not paid by the due date may result in the University taking one or more of the following actions against you: 1) postponement of scheduled check-in time, 2) suspension of access to housing and dining facilities, and/or 3) cancellation of this contract. Cancellation charges will apply.
9. Food Plan Requirement
- If assigned to a residential space in a residence hall, you are required to purchase a minimal food plan.
- KU Dining provides dining plan choices for residents in residence halls and you select your plan through the on-line housing portal. Refer to KU Dining’s website for more information, including plan details and cancellation fee schedules.
- In apartments, food plans are optional. You may purchase a plan from KU Dining through the on-line housing portal.
10. Damages to Property
- You are financially responsible for any damage you or any of your guests and visitors may cause in public or private areas of KU Housing & Residence Life facilities. The University may withhold academic records for nonpayment of obligations such as lost keys, broken or missing furniture, and other debts owed to KU Housing & Residence Life.
- You understand and acknowledge that insurance carried by the University covers University property only and you agree to be responsible for obtaining and maintaining your own protection against loss or damage to property, personal injury, or liability. You further understand and agree that claims for injury or damage to persons or property resulting from the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of KU Housing & Residence Life and approved personnel acting in the course and scope of their employment, are subject to the terms, conditions, and liability limitations contained in the Kansas Tort Claims Act, K.S.A. 75-6101, et seq.
11. Failure to Vacate Policy
- You are responsible for your personal property at all times. If you do not vacate your assigned residential space as scheduled (following internal transfers as well as at the end of a contract period) and have not removed personal property, the University will make a reasonable attempt to contact you. If after 48 hours you have not vacated the assigned residential space, the University will remove your remaining personal property and store it at your expense for up to 30 days. You will be charged $50 per day plus the daily rate for each day you and/or your belongings remain in the assigned residential space. After 30 days, the personal property is deemed abandoned and becomes the property of the University and, in most instances, will be donated or discarded.
- The University shall not be liable for damage to or loss of property that might occur during the course of removal or disposal. The University will bill you for all costs incurred in removing and storing personal property, and restoration of the assigned residential space and you agree to be responsible for payment of such costs, including any other outstanding charges.
12. Communication
- KU Housing & Residence Life will make every attempt to communicate with you as needed either by email or by phone. The email of record for KU Housing & Residence Life is your KU email address. The phone number of record is the phone number associated with your official university student record.
13. Cancellation by the University
- The University may terminate this contract by providing notice to the resident (in any manner, including without limitation, electronic or hard copy) after breach by the resident (including without limitation a resident’s failure to be or remain eligible for on-campus housing). Upon any such termination, the resident remains responsible for all charges in full under the contract, through the effective date of termination, in addition to any applicable fees and damages assessments otherwise provided here in the contract.
- The University reserves the right to terminate this contract due to emergency needs or other occurrence beyond the reasonable control of the University. In the event the University terminates this contract due to any act, order, regulation, or request of any governmental authority or agency or other occurrences including, but not limited to, natural disasters, floods, fires, tornadoes, riots, epidemics, pandemics or quarantines, the University will offer fair and reasonable credits of fees paid by impacted residents as appropriate and based on information available at that time. If the University invokes these force majeure rights the University will notify the impacted residents as soon as practicable.
14. Cancellation by the Resident
- You may request cancellation of this contract through an on-line request form with KU Housing & Residence Life by logging in to your myKU portal. Cancellation charges vary depending on the date and reason for request, as well as your student status at the University:
- Before check-in or the first day of classes: You may cancel this contract by submitting an online request. Cancellation charges (including applicable food plan charges) will apply.
- After check-in or first day of classes: KU Housing & Residence Life must approve the cancellation in order for you to be financially released from the full contract terms. You must submit the cancellation request through an on-line request form with KU Housing & Residence Life. The official cancellation date is the date you check out and leave, not the date of cancellation request. Cancellation charges (including applicable food plan charges) will apply.
15. Cancellation Fee Schedule for 2024 Summer Session
Date of Cancellation | Cancellation Fee Withheld |
After check-in through July 8, 2023 | prorated daily rate |
After July 8 | full contract cost — no refund |
16. Choice of Law
- This contract shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Kansas, without regard to conflicts of law provisions. Jurisdiction and venue of any suit arising out or related to this contract shall reside only in the courts located in Douglas County, Kansas.
Non-Discrimination Policy
The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the University’s programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies for the Lawrence campus: Director of The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX, civilrights@ku.edu Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-6414, 711 TTY
Last Updated
Updated 3/29/2024